Snoopy Surveys
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Category: About You
Survey (Results of the survey are available by clicking on the question.)#1 Answer
Survey: What is your current employment status? - 09/29/02 I work for someone - 43%
Survey: How would you describe your space? - 08/04/02 More organized than clean - 66%
Survey: Did you get money back from the IRS this year or did you have to pay? - 06/18/02 Got some back! - 60%
Survey: Do you use an alarm clock to wake up in the morning? - 03/27/02 Yes - 66%
Survey: Do you attend a church or other place of worship at least weekly? - 12/25/01 Yes - 54%
Survey: Do you regularly play a musical instrument or sing? - 11/15/01 Yes - 65%
Survey: Which of the 7 dwarfs do you most identify with? - 10/08/01 Grumpy - 32%
Survey: Do you live within a hundred miles of where you were born? - 02/03/01 Yes - 53%
Survey: Have you ever dialed 911? - 11/16/00 Yes - 58%
Survey: In the last year, have you had any issues with neighbor's and their barking dogs? - 11/06/00 No - 70%
Survey: What field did you want to work in when you were a child? - 07/11/00 Military - 24%
Survey: Who set you straight on the whole Santa thing? - 04/30/00 Just Figured it Out - 35%
Survey: If you cut an earthworm in two will both halves live? - 03/31/00 Yes - 79%
Category: Consumers
Survey (Results of the survey are available by clicking on the question.)#1 Answer
Survey: When was the last time you bought a music CD? - 10/27/02 A Month Ago - 43%
Survey: Where do you get the majority of your news? - 08/30/02 Cable - 50%
Survey: How many pairs of shoes do you buy for your self a year? - 05/17/02 1-2 - 44%
Survey: Have you flown since 09/11/01? - 03/09/02 No - 53%
Survey: Do you regularly smoke tobacco? - 02/22/02 No - 66%
Survey: Have you ever lived in house with a pool? - 02/15/02 No - 57%
Survey: Are you currently displaying a US flag at home? - 01/28/02 Yes - 88%
Survey: Are you currently replacing your VHS library with DVDs? - 01/14/02 Yes - 55%
Survey: How often do you go to a bar or other drinking establishment? - 12/07/01 Rarely - 45%
Survey: Do you own a gun? - 08/31/01 No - 55%
Survey: When you are in your car you listen to: - 08/06/01 FM Radio - 56%
Survey: Do you drink either coffee or a soft drink on a daily basis? - 07/06/01 Yes - 76%
Survey: Do you eat breakfast on weekdays? - 06/17/01 Yes - 69%
Survey: Are you planning to travel for your 2001 vacation time? - 05/22/01 Yes - 88%
Survey: What is your Search Engine of choice? - 03/12/01 Yahoo - 36%
Survey: How often do you use online .mp3 services like Napster? - 03/02/01 I've never used them. - 51%
Survey: How often do you go to get your hair cut, colored or styled? - 02/20/01 More Than a Month - 29%
Survey: Generally speaking, your pets of choice are: - 01/18/01 Dogs - 52%
Survey: Do you visit a Doctor and a Dentist for yearly checkups? - 12/31/00 Yes - 73%
Survey: Do you eat red meat? - 12/13/00 Yes - 66%
Survey: What type of Christmas tree will you have this year? - 12/08/00 Live - 47%
Survey: How many brand new personal computers have you bought since the '80s? - 11/26/00 1 - 24% & 6 or more - 24%
Survey: How many times a week do you eat out? - 10/30/00 1-3 - 50%
Survey: Where do you go for fried chicken? - 09/02/00 KFC - 56%
Survey: Which cars do you prefer to buy? - 08/01/00 Domestic - 49%
Survey: You have five bucks, where are you going to buy lunch? - 07/17/00 Wendys - 32%
Survey: Coke or Pepsi? - 07/03/00 Coke - 56%
Category: Entertainment (Sports - TV - Movies)
Survey (Results of the survey are available by clicking on the question.)#1 Answer
Survey: How many episodes of Anna Nicole's show on E have you watched? - 09/09/02 None - 78%
Survey: How many times a week do you watch the Simpsons? - 04/14/02 4 or more - 52%
Survey: Who will win the Super Bowl? - 02/02/02 Rams - 67%
Survey: Based on the attack on America should the NFL resume play this Sunday? - 09/25/01 50/50
Survey: What did you think of Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes? - 08/31/01 A Great Film - 37%
Survey: Which TV family would you like to have been a member of? - 04/18/01 Lost in Space - 21%
Survey: What are you doing for the Ravens/Giants Super Bowl? - 01/28/01 Not Interested - 59%
Survey: Weekly, I am most likely to watch 3 or more broadcasts of: - 10/16/00 Cartoons - 22%
Survey: Your primary feed for your TV is: - 09/29/00 Cable - 66%
Survey: Who do you think provided the best Saturday morning entertainment? - 04/19/00 Warner Brothers - 45%
Category: Collecting
Survey (Results of the survey are available by clicking on the question.)#1 Answer
Survey: Do you own a vehicle made before 1980? - 01/24/02 Yes - 55%
Survey: Which of the BRTB Classified formats do you prefer? - 04/12/01 Old HTML Format - 45%
Survey: Do you see an eventual end in the popularity of online Auctions? - 01/08/01 No - 85%
Survey: Generally speaking, online toy prices are: - 08/20/00 Unpredictable/Less Than Book Values - 30%
Survey: What is your favorite Hasbro toy? - 06/29/00 GI Joe (60s) - 28%
Survey: How many years ago did you start building your collection? - 06/24/00 10 or More - 46%
Survey: What is the most you ever paid for a collectible? - 06/13/00 $100-$499 - 36%
Survey: How much space do you have dedicated to your collectibles? - 06/05/00 1/4 Room or Less - 36%
Survey: Do you believe that your collectibles are adequately insured against theft/fire? - 05/26/00 No - 72%
Survey: What do you use the most at The Big Red Toybox? - 05/13/00 Free Classifieds - 32%
Survey: What period are your favorite collectibles from? - 05/03/00 1970s - 27%
Survey: What was Mattel's best toy line? - 04/23/00 Hotwheels - 25%
Survey: Where do you buy the majority of your toys from? - 04/11/00 Auctions - eBay Only - 34%
Survey: What is your primary collectible? - 04/02/00 Action Figures - 41%
Survey: Who has consistently made the best toys throughout history? - 03/31/00 Marx - 21%
Category: Politics
Survey (Results of the survey are available by clicking on the question.)#1 Answer
Survey: Do you believe that the media created the current election crisis by prematurely announcing the winner in Florida? - 12/01/00 Yes - 67%
Survey: Who will you vote for in the presidential elections? - 09/17/00 Bush - 55%
Survey: Will you vote in the presidential elections? 09/11/00 Yes - 75%

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